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Housekeeping Operations

Hotel’s Housekeeping department is most of the time invisible component of the guest experience. From the moment we walk into the property everything that is surrounding us is being touched by Housekeeping Team. As a rule, we never get surprised and shocked by clean floors, dust-free surfaces, garbage free hallways and clean sheets every day. It is a basic expectation.


Housekeeping Department is one of the most important components of hotel operations. Without exception whether your property is small or large, in need of renovation or brand new, cleanliness requirements stay same for all. Even most luxurious product will not be accepted if it doesn’t meet cleanliness standards.


From the budget standpoint, although the Housekeeping department is not revenue generating center it has full potential to influence budget. Not only often Housekeeping is the largest department by employee count but also the largest one in expense when it comes to guest supplies, cleaning, laundry, and payroll.

Housekeeping department includes difference sub-departments: 

  • Housemen

  • Laundry

  • Stocker

  • Guest Room Attendants

  • Floor Inspectors

  • Public area attendants

  • Uniform Room Attendants

And depending on the size of your property could include few more property-specific departments

Housekeeping Philosophy

It is necessary to note that housekeeping in the Hotels is different thank housekeeping in any other industry.


  • It is different from cleaning office buildings

  • It is different from cleaning hospitals

  • It is different from cleaning entertainment centers

  • It is different from cleaning restaurants


Every room must be serviced in the way that every guest feels they are first time users of the room.

The deadliest error/scenario possible is when a guest discovers signs/clues from the previous guest. This puts in question overall cleanliness of the property.

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