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Guest Room Inspection


Prior to discussing anything else on this subject, I would like to note that:


Guestroom inspection program is not to be used solely for ensuring and assessing the cleanliness of guestroom.

It offers a much larger scope of benefits that typically it is used for. Taking appropriate approach will deliver maximum results to your team and property. Some of the benefits that this program offers are:


  • Ensuring same standards are followed in each room

  • Ensuring Brand Standards are met

  • Develop guest room attendants by providing feedback on opportunity areas as a daily routine in oppose to disciplinary action when issues take place

  • Motivating associates by creating friendly competition

  • Offers motivation factor as results can be used in the format that will offer encouragement and inspiration


I would like to focus more on last benefits noted prior as it is not a surprise to anyone when it comes to first few benefits of the program.


Efficient departments, are more successful, constantly deliver more and consistently meet their goals.  It has been proven many times that all of the above is possible only when department functions as whole. Meaning, not Manager drives the results, but each associate is engaged and strives for success.


Guestroom inspection program is a great tool to be utilized for motivation and encouragement, to create friendly competition and drive in the department. Approach this subject with maximum significance and ensure all aspects are covered and approved prior to rolling out to the team.


First, develop the program. Discuss with your Director of Finance, Executive Team and General Manager, depending on structure of your property or just your direct Manager. As program includes HR and Finance related pieces.


Start off with inspection checklist. Ensure checklist has appropriate scoring system, whether it is points or percentage. Create board that will include Names and Days/Weeks depending on the features you would like to use and ensure Total points row is highlighted for the top performers. I recommend monthly system, with updates of each week and reward system for top performers. Typically, Top 3 performers to receive rewards. However, program should not be driven by rewards. It is not the gift card, paid day off or any other prize should be the motivational aspect! It is important to discuss contribution made by associate to the success of the property and guest experience.





Before discussing anything else on this subject, I would like to note that:


Guestroom inspection program is not to be used solely for ensuring and assessing the cleanliness of guestroom.

It offers a much broader scope of benefits that typically it is used for. Taking appropriate approach will deliver maximum results to your team and property. Some of the benefits that this program offers are:


  • Ensuring same standards are followed in each room

  • Ensuring Brand Standards are met

  • Develop guest room attendants by providing feedback on opportunity areas as a daily routine in oppose to disciplinary action when issues take place

  • Motivating associates by creating friendly competition

  • Offers motivation factor as results can be used in the format that will offer encouragement and inspiration



I would like to focus more on last benefits noted prior as it is not a surprise to anyone when it comes to first few benefits of the program.



Efficient departments, are more successful, constantly deliver more and consistently meet their goals.  It has been proven many times that all of the above is possible only when department functions as whole. Meaning, not Manager drives the results, but each associate is engaged and strives for success.



Guestroom inspection program is a great tool to be utilized for motivation and encouragement, to create friendly competition and drive in the department. Approach this subject with maximum significance and ensure all aspects are covered and approved prior to rolling out to the team.



First, develop the program. Discuss with your Director of Finance, Executive Team and General Manager, depending on structure of your property or just your direct Manager. As program includes HR and Finance related pieces.


Start off with inspection checklist. Ensure checklist has appropriate scoring system, whether it is points or percentage. Create board that will include Names and Days/Weeks depending on the features you would like to use and ensure Total points row is highlighted for the top performers. I recommend monthly system, with updates of each week and reward system for top performers. Typically, Top 3 performers to receive rewards. However, program should not be driven by rewards. It is not the gift card, paid day off or any other prize should be the motivational aspect! It is important to discuss contribution made by associate to the success of the property and guest experience.




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